Preferred Airline

Best Price Guarantee


We guarantee you the lowest fares to your favorite destination.

How it Works?

  • Make a reservation with Findmyfare
  • Go ahead and compare.
  • If a lower fare is found, email us the quotation to [email protected] and we’ll match it.


Who will Findmyfare accept airfare quotes from?
  • Other Srilankan travel agencies, airlines and other Srilankan registered businesses and websites. The quote must be printed on the competitor’s letterhead, scanned and emailed. Or, if from a competitor website, a screenshot must clearly show the website and must also be at the final payment stage.
What fares will Findmyfare price beat?
  • Our Best Price Guarantee applies to airfares that originate/depart from Colombo.
What if I want to travel on a different date than on my original quote?
  • The price match applies only for travel on the same dates, airlines and flight numbers, for the same number of passengers and in the same booking classes.
Will Findmyfare match quotes from foreign websites or for travel that originates outside Sri Lanka?
  • No.
What happens if I have already booked and paid in full and then find a cheaper price for the same flight?
  • Findmyfare will only price match where your quote is presented to us for tentative bookings. Of course, your Findmyfare consultant will be happy to rebook on the cheaper fare if it is available at the time you are travelling. Change and cancellation fees and conditions specific to your original booking will apply.
What if I want to use this price for my friends to book?
The quote must reflect the number of passengers looking to book as per the genuine quote. Of course, if we can book everyone at the same low price we'll do so.

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